A Great Team Dedicated To You
Board of Directors
Name | Representing |
Chair Delmond Horn | EMS |
Vice-Chair Ian Fisher | Hospitals |
Dr. Tony Swicer | Hospitals |
Tyler Verhasselt | Emergency Management |
Kelly Bremer | Emergency Management |
Gary Garske | Local Public Health |
Sue Smith | Local Public Health |
Jacee Shepard | Tribal Health |
Megan Foltman | Trauma |
Jason Keffeler | Trauma |
Dr. Michael Clark | EMS |
Marcus Walden | Clinics |
Kimberly Spurgeon | Clinics |
Wendy Freese | CMS (Home Health and Hospice) |
Ryan Hanson | CMS |
NCW HERC Coordinator
Ty Zastava
[email protected]
NCW HERC Medical Advisor
Dr. Timothy Vayder
NCRTAC Coordinator
Michael Fraley
[email protected]
Need to send the NCW HERC a file related to a project, grant, or other activity? Or do you have any general questions, comments, or concerns about the NCW HERC? Please send it to [email protected]
The NCW HERC consists of the following counties and the tribal partners within those geographical boundaries. This geographical area is also referred to as a health emergency region. The NCW HERC is health emergency region 2.
Clark | Oneida | Portage |
Forest | Lincoln | Vilas |
Taylor | Marathon | Price |
Wood | Langlade | Iron |
Partners to the NCW HERC include:

North Central Regional Trauma Advisory Council
The North Central Regional Trauma Advisory Council (NCRTAC) is a member of the NCW HERC.
The NCRTAC is an organized group of health care entities and emergency responders who have an interest in organizing and improving trauma care within our region. Our primary purpose is to design, implement, and evaluate a trauma system within the region that is data-based, confidential and sensitive to the needs and limitations of our area.
More information about the NCRTAC can be found at NCRTAC-WI.org or by contacting:
Michael Fraley
RTAC Coordinator
[email protected]
(715) 892-3209